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Now Published in

"2015's Best Photography Manuscript".

Contact Me

Kayla Kahn Photography
You can also check me out on facebook at:


More info to come later. 


If you currently live in the Las Vegas or Henderson area, and would like to set up a photoshoot with me, please contact me with your name, phone number and any other information you would like for me to have so we can set up a date. Upon having photos taken, I will provide you with copies of everything we capture. We can do so by having you provide a usb memory drive, deciding which ones you would like to have printed, us emailing them straight to you or by putting them on a Photo Disk.

If you would like for us to edit your photos, we can so as well. If you have a question, would like to get ahold of me to photograph something for you, or would just like to talk about life, you may email me, write to me below, or leave a comment in the comment section. 

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